It certainly has improved, but Mac still has the edge in that regard. Has this improved materially since the past decade? Which could mean trying to figure out why Wifi or some random printer didn't work, looking for drivers, reinstalling or reconfiguring some piece of software, and so forth. On any given week I had been invariably spending between a half-hour and a day fighting with Windows in some way or another. This was in stark contrast with the decades long experience I had had with PCs until then. Wifi always worked, everything I plugged into it just worked as well, the software I ended up installing just worked too, Apache and SVN ran fine, there was a good Terminal app out of the box, etc.
When I got back to a place where I could get a new Viao at a reasonable price it occurred to me that I hadn't been fighting with the Mac a single time. The reason I switched to Mac in 2006 was that I ended up using a friend's Mac for a month while abroad so I could get some work done. Out of curiosity, has Windows improved in any way from a low maintenance perspective?